Vegan Keto Weight Loss Results

Vegan Keto Weight Loss Results

Vegan Keto Weight Loss Results

The Keto Diet is known for expediting weight loss by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet and replacing them with higher fat food sources for energy. This puts your body in fat burning mode, which helps you lose weight. Typically, keto diets rely on many meat items such as shellfish and other varieties of seafood, meat, cheese and eggs. For a vegan, of course you can’t eat these things, but the keto diet is still certainly possible as many vegans have had success with it. Lets take a look at the typical vegan keto weight loss results.

After getting past the diet’s unique carbohydrate and nutrition challenges, good results can be seen in terms of weight loss. Initial results in the first days will show a considerable reduction in weight as your liver depletes it’s carbohydrate reserves, which will cause you to lose a lot of water (which can sometimes cause dehydration). During these first days it’s advisable that you try to stay hydrated with water as to avoid the health risks from dehydration.

Participants usually note average or higher energy levels as a result of doing a keto vegan diet. This is because keto diets reduce carbohydrate intake, which despite being an energy source, can in fact make you more tired throughout the day. It’s because digesting carbs requires your body to produce more insulin, which in turn makes you tired. The initial first few days do have a side effect that is known as “keto flu”, where sever lethargy and typical cold symptoms manifest.  These symptoms occur due to your body transitioning from burning carbohydrates as fuel to using ketones. Once, the transition phase is over, you should start to feel the energy boosting effects of the vegan keto diet.

Vegan Keto Weight Loss Results

It’s been said that keto diets can be good for reducing inflammation in individuals with conditions where inflammation is present. This is helped by the elimination of sugar and gluten, which can help restore proper digestive function and hormone levels. Similar effects can be seen in epilepsy sufferers who start the keto diet, where studies have shown a reduction in epilepsy symptoms and attacks.

Some participants in vegan keto diets have reported losing as much as 20lbs to 35lbs in just their first month. Staying on the diet for a prolonged amount of time can be supported by taking the appropriate multivitamins ensuring proper nutrition. While early results are often limited to water, participants have reported losing up to an additional 6lbs per month while on the diet, although this can vary based on genetics and your individual metabolic rate.


Some diabetics have also found good results in treating their disease using a vegan keto diet. Carbohydrates and sugars are generally off-limits for diabetics anyway, and the diet has shown to help mitigate the effects of diabetes and even help control the disease. However, some patients have also gone into ketoacidosis while trying the diet too. For diabetics, it’s highly recommended that you consult with both a doctor and a nutritionist who can help you plan out a proper and safe diet regiment.

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