Keto Vegan Snack Recipes

Keto Vegan Snack Recipes

Keto Vegan Snack Recipes

If you are a vegan on the keto diet, one of the most frustrating things you’ll encounter is snacking. There are some commercially made snacks available on the market. However, they often cost a ton and still may not be as healthy for you as a homemade snack, which you can modify and play with to meet your individual preferences. Likewise, most of those snacks aren’t really optimized for a keto diet, since normally vegans don’t often have to worry with fat, protein, and carb ratios. Let’s look at some recipes that you can use to make vegan friendly keto snacks.

The first recipe we’ll look at is for chocolate chip cookies. There are only eight different ingredients you’ll need. The first is 2 cups of almond flour. Either blanched or standard varieties will work fine, but avoid almond meal, which tends to make the cookies not hold together very well. After that, you need ¼ cup of arrowroot starch, 7 tbs keto maple syrup, and 1/4 cup of stevia-sweetened chocolate chip morsels. Lastly, you’ll need 1 tsp baking powder, 2 tbs coconut oil, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, and ¼ cup vegan friendly milk of your choice.

Keto Vegan Snack Recipes

Pre-heat the oven to 175F. You may need to adjust the temperature if you’re using a convection oven. Line a baking tray or cookie pan with parchment paper or baking paper. Combine all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl and set aside. Mix coconut oil and syrup over a stove top in an appropriate bowl or saucepan until it’s melted together. Once combined, add the oil syrup mix to the dry mix together with the milk and extract and blend completely. Lastly, add in the chocolate chips and stir them in until evenly distributed. Because these cookies have no egg in them, they won’t rise, meaning you can form them however you want and they will stay that way through the baking process. Once you have them at the size you want, bake for 12-15 minutes. Keep in mind the cookies will taste awesome with or without the chips, so if you want to be even more keto friendly (or just can’t find the morsels) you can leave them out or substitute them for nuts of your choice.

Another easy snack recipe is keto crackers. These usually require very little work and just a few hours of cook time. Preheat your oven to 200F (again, adjust as necessary for your ovens needs), and line a baking tray with parchment or baking paper. Mix 1 cup of whole flaxseeds and 3 tbs of chia seeds together with 1 cup of water (make sure you measure the seeds in dry measuring cups and the water in a liquid cup). Once all of the seeds have been evenly coated with water, let them sit for about 20 minutes. Add 3 tbs each of hemp hearts, pumpkin seeds (sunflower or any other sort of seed will work), and a spice of your choice (cumin and rosemary can be great choices), and ½ tsp of salt (sea salt is recommended). Feel free to add another 3 tbs of a roasted or toasted seed of your choice, be creative and have fun.

Once everything is mixed together, spread it evenly on your baking tray, and once spread out, score the sheet with a knife so that they break apart evenly after baking. Bake the tray for an hour and a half, and flip the sheet and continue to bake for another hour and a half. Once done, turn off the oven and leave the sheet to bake further for 20 minutes. Let the sheet cool and then break them up along the scored lines. Serve with vegan cheese or butter and you’re sure to have a crowd-pleaser.

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