Vegan Keto Before And After

Vegan Keto Before And After

Vegan Keto Before And After

Before you start the vegan keto diet, you need to know everything about how your body will react, the possible side effects, and whether or not it’s the best diet for you. To protect your health and make sure you don’t become malnourished, you should get your doctor’s advice and have some check-ups done before going on any vegan keto diet. If your body’s up to it, here what you can expect from the vegan keto diet before and after:

Before starting a keto diet you’re probably in a few different states health-wise. Your most likely incentive would be weight loss. If you’re overweight, you’re at an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, blood vessel damage, organ damage, fatigue, and much more. Truly, obesity can affect people in more ways than you’d typically expect. In the long term, the sacrifices required by a keto diet are often worth it compared to the potential risk of obesity.

You may also be suffering from diabetes before going on the vegan keto diet. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause most of the damage that obesity causes, and can cause obesity itself. Diabetes patients can also enter into a state known as ketoacidosis, which is a life threatening condition if left untreated. While it is possible to trigger ketoacidosis on a vegan keto diet, as long as you take the proper amounts of insulin that your physician has prescribed for you on the diet, there is little chance of entering ketoacidosis.

Vegan Keto Before And After

After going on a keto diet, and of course a vegan keto diet by extension, participants have noticed consistent weight loss after months of staying on the diet. Many have reported good energy levels and a general feeling of self-betterment. However, there can be some side effects.

Many speak of what’s called “keto flu”, which occurs when the keto diet first starts working. It’s caused by your body switching from burning glucose to fat, which can cause symptoms including fatigue, irritability, dizziness, nausea, and muscle soreness. It’s also known that the lack of sugar can leave you with brain fog, as well as very withdrawal like symptoms. All of this can be exacerbated by the dehydration that occurs early in the keto diet.

The keto diet may also lead to kidney and heart damage from the lack of electrolytes, as well as magnesium, potassium and sodium in your body. This is another reason it’s important to consult with your doctor before going on a vegan keto diet; to prevent damage or check for underlying conditions that might make you unsuitable for the diet.

For a healthy individual, many of the problems of keto diets can be avoided by taking vitamin supplements and ensuring you increase your water intake appropriately. You might also need a prescription for certain dietary supplements, such as sodium or potassium. Some doctors believe that keto diets are a good short-term solution for weight loss, but not as a permanent diet plan. The best thing to do is to speak with and plan your diet out with a doctor before going on it.

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