Keto Vegan Snacks

Keto Vegan Snacks

Keto Vegan Snacks

If you are a vegan who is on the keto diet, one thing that can be hard is finding appropriate keto vegan snacks. Snacking is essential to the success of the diet because it allows you to get desperately needed injections of fats and proteins that can keep you going throughout the day. Yet, these snacks have to fit into the careful balancing act that is the keto diet. However, there are some easy, convenient, and tasty ways to fit snacking into a keto vegan diet without ruining your chances of achieving ketosis.

One of the best snacks for a keto vegan will be trail mix. However, there is a catch. You should assemble the mix yourself. Store bought mixes are prone to dusting the seeds and nuts in sugar laden coatings, along with mixing in keto unfriendly foods like raisins and candies. You should try to mix in a wide variety of seeds and nuts so that boredom isn’t an issue. Try combining pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, cashews, and pistachios for a particularly savory mix.

Keto Vegan Snacks

Fruit is typically not keto friendly, however, most berries are actually perfectly acceptable for the diet. This opens up the doors for quite a few options in terms of snacks. You can eat half a cup of raspberries and only take in 3 grams of carbs, while blackberries contain only 4 grams of carbs for a similar serving. Strawberries, plums, and blueberries all range between 6 – 9 grams of carbs for a serving of those as well. It should be noted that all of these fruits can still mess up your diet if eaten in excess. However, one great way to have them is to mix them in with some trail mix to complement the salty taste that most nuts and seeds have. They also go great with almonds, macadamia nuts, and pecans.

Another great snack for vegans on a keto diet are nut based butters and cheeses. Cashew cheese is very easy to find, and can act in a similar way to cream cheese for vegans. Cashew and other nut based cheeses are great even on their own, however, there are some great ways you can spice them up in order to get the feeling of a full snack. For example, there are plenty of recipes for keto vegan friendly crackers using either almond flour or cauliflower. There are also deli meat substitutes sold by these cheese manufacturers that is meant to be paired with the nut cheese.

Of course, some folks think about cookies when they think about snacks. Luckily, cookies are pretty easy to make and enjoy even on a vegan keto diet. Granted, you’ll still have to enjoy them in moderation, but they are useful  to have around as a snack for when your sweet tooth acts up. Many recipes exist for vegan keto friendly versions of chocolate chip, no-bake chocolate, peanut butter, and Samoa flavored cookies.

There are tons of other vegan keto friendly snack ideas that you can find, and with some creativity and ingenuity you can even come up with your own.

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