Vegan Keto Snacks
Vegan Keto Snacks
One of the best things about being on the vegan keto diet is how it forces you to get creative with the food you would normally just eat and forget about. Rather than being complacent with your normal meals, you have to be imaginative and often end up making some interesting meals in the process. Snacks are especially this way, where creativity is the one thing standing between eating plain Jane carrot sticks or having a delicious almond butter and peanut butter cookie sandwich. Hare are some great ideas for vegan keto snacks.
To start off with the earlier example, you probably think that cookies are off limits for someone on a keto and vegan diet right? No butter and eggs for vegans, and no flour or sugar for the keto side. However, you can still make delicious and even healthy cookies without any of that. There are plenty of recipes on the internet that can tell you how to make vegan keto cookies, but in general, they use almond flour, along with ground flaxseed as a binder, mixed with keto and vegan friendly syrups and some sort of nut butter like peanut butter to make a sort of cookie.
You can pretty much make whatever kind of cookies you want thanks to the many vegan keto options for ingredients on the market today. Once the cookies are made, all it takes is you spreading your favorite nut butter between two cookies and you have decadent but keto vegan friendly treats that make for some great snacks.
Another great snack is trail mix. The kind you get from the store often has keto unfriendly things like raisins included. However, you can make your own trail mix. If it’s fall or winter and squashes or pumpkins are readily available, you can roast the seeds yourself, coating them in olive or coconut oil and any number of spices. Off the self bags of seeds such as sunflower, flax, hemp, and sesame can be combined together and roasted as well to make your own Tex-mex or cinnamon flavored mixes.
Besides seeds and nuts, you can toss in unsweetened shredded coconut with some roasted coffee beans for some added variety in your mix. Roasted coffee beans are low in carbs and make for tasty and crunchy snacks even on their own. Just make sure that the beans aren’t coated in chocolate before you buy them.
Vegan nut cheeses and deli meats are also great options for traditional snacks. Most of these products can be ordered via the internet and some may even be available at your local grocer. You can combine these on vegan keto crackers, and even use various nut butters to have small deli sandwiches. You can also use the soft varieties of nut cheeses for dipping, using either the aforementioned crackers or even large nuts like brazil nuts, or celery and carrot sticks.
With all of the snack options mentioned above, you should be sure to watch out not to over eat. While all of these snacks are keto friendly, they are still snacks and should be eaten in moderation so that you can avoid ruining your state of ketosis.